BotMetrics Documentation

If you're building a bot for Facebook Messenger, use the Facebook Messenger SDK for the most simple & complete integration.

For other messaging platforms, see below.

Facebook Messenger SDK

The Facebook Messenger SDK gives you out-of-the box support for many Facebook Messenger features. This includes viewing rich conversations with image attachements, button/generic/receipt templates, quick replies, etc.


Official NodeJS client:

var botmetrics = require('node-botmetrics')('API_TOKEN').facebook;

Track incoming messages'/webhook', function(req, res) {
    // Handle incoming message...

Track outgoing messages

// Example POST to Facebook

var fbData = {
    recipient: { 
        id: fbUserId 
    message: {
        text: 'Hi there!'

var options = {
    url: '',
    qs: { access_token: FB_PAGE_TOKEN },
    method: 'POST',
    json: fbData

request(options, function(err, res, body) {
    if (err) return console.log(err);
    // After FB post is successful, send req data to BotMetrics

And that's it! You're completely integrated!


The Facebook Messanger SDK can also be used via the REST API.

Along with the "token" and "message_type" parameters, be sure to include "platform=facebook" to specify that you're using the Messenger SDK.


URL Params

Param Description
platform Must equal "facebook" for the Messenger SDK required
message_type Incoming/outgoing message (must be 'incoming' or 'outgoing') required
token Bot API token required

Request Body

The body of the POST request should match the payload that is sent to or received from Facebook.

Track incoming message

curl -XPOST -H "Content-type: application/json" -d '{ 
    "object": "page",
        "id": "FB_PAGE_ID",
        "time": 145869242290,
        "messaging": [{
            "sender": {
                "id": "FB_USER_ID"
            "recipient": {
                "id": "FB_PAGE_ID"
            "timestamp": 145869242290,
            "message": {
                "mid": "mid.1457764197618:41d102a3e1ae206a38",
                "seq": 73,
                "text": "hello, world!",
                "quick_reply": {
                    "payload": "DEVELOPER_DEFINED_PAYLOAD"
}' ''

Track outgoing message

curl -XPOST -H "Content-type: application/json" -d '{ 
    "recipient": {
     	"id": "FB_USER_ID"
     "message": {
         "attachment": {
             "type": "template",
                 "text": "What kind of pizza do you want?",
                 "buttons": [{
                     "type": "web_url",
                     "url": "",
                     "title": "Show Website"
                  }, {
                      "type": "postback",
                      "title": "Pepperoni",
                      "payload": "USER_DEFINED_PAYLOAD"
}' ''

Other Platforms

The NodeJS client and REST API support generic tracking capability for all platforms (slack, kik, telegram, etc.)


Official NodeJS client:

var botmetrics = require('node-botmetrics')('API_TOKEN');

    text: 'Hi there!',
    message_type: 'outgoing',
    user_id: '54367392345234',
    platform: 'kik'

*See below REST Request Body for all available properties



URL Params

Param Description
token Bot API token required

Request Body

Key Description
text Message text required
message_type Incoming/outgoing (must be 'incoming' or 'outgoing') required
user_id Unique identifier for a user required
platform Messaging platform ('slack', 'kik', etc.) required
created_at Timestamp when message was sent/received. If not provided, the current time will be used. ISO8601 format (ex: '2016-04-06T15:18:50Z') optional
metadata Custom string or JSON optional

Example Request

curl -XPOST -H "Content-type: application/json" -d '{ 
    "text": "Hi there!",
    "message_type": "incoming",
    "user_id": "5436734",
    "platform": "kik"
}' ''